God is Binary

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Pride and humility. The Word of God offers a transformative remedy from pride to Christ-like humility through repentance and surrender.
Remember and forget. Be encouraged that God remembers and God forgets. He forgets the sin and transgressions you have confessed before Him. And He remembers you, and will have compassion on you.
Justice and mercy. Justice is receiving what is deserved, mercy is not receiving what is deserved. Repentance fits in with How God’s perfect justice is reconciled with his unbounded mercy.
Creator and creation. We are called to enter His presence, not to build a tower to be above His presence. We were created to recognize our creator and come to him with thanksgiving and praise.
Male and female. It is not our choice to change who God created us to be.
Heaven and Hell. To deny Heaven and Hell is to deny the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.
Wisdom and foolishness. The world will often tell you what you want to hear. But God's wisdom is precious and life-giving.
As we close the series, Pastor Pat talks about the pair truth and lies. The Word of God is truth. Ask God to reveal the truth and put Jesus at the center.