Bethesda's Mission partners 2025

Faith Promise 2025

Basket Of Hope


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Kenya's Tana River District has one of the nation's highest HIV & AIDS populations, and the absence of education in the region, especially among women and children, hinders progress. Yet Basket of Hope is changing the lives of orphans, ministering to Muslim women, and improving overall living conditions in this impoverished area. BOH trains pastors, Christian schoolteachers, women's leaders, and Kenyan missionaries who work secular jobs and reach out to the Muslim community with the gospel. It also runs a children's ministry in the remote villages, spreading the Good News of Christ and feeding 2000 children each school day.

C.H.E. Uganda


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Community Health Empowerment and Evangelism exists to equip believers worldwide to share the Gospel with their local population through a whole-person ministry of love and compassion. CHE trains volunteers to sustain physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellness, lifting whole communities out of poverty and disease. This holistic method promotes overall health, stresses disease prevention, and proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jane Palacas is diligently working toward generational change by establishing CHE Clubs in thousands of schools across Uganda. Jane, and her late husband Chris, trained the trainers of the volunteers who work directly with the students, ensuring that a village's youngest members and their parents are receiving the holistic, life-transforming education that CHE offers in the name of Jesus.

Community Hands Food Pantry

Sterling Heights

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Community Hands maintains a stocked pantry of food and household staples to provide for the real needs of families in financial crisis, relieving some of their burdens. This ministry, staffed with a team of passionate volunteers, serves our community with respect and the love of God.

Compassion Pregnancy

Clinton Township

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Community Hands maintains a stocked pantry of food and household staples to provide for the real needs of families in financial crisis, relieving some of their burdens. This ministry, staffed with a team of passionate volunteers, serves our community with respect and the love of God.

Commission To Every Nation


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In the mountains of Ecuador, remote villages struggle without the provision of life-saving water, while local pastors languish in the absence of advanced Biblical training, Rev. Cesar and Nancy Cortez recognize the nutritional and spiritual challenges of the region and have developed a ministry that is filling both voids. By combining Bible study and pastoral resources with community infrastructure services such as freshwater wells and trench development, the Cortez family is changing entire communities for the better by facilitating the flow of natural and living water.

Gateway To Glory

Macomb County

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Jail Ministry

Fathers, husbands, sons, mothers, wives, and daughters are located in the jails of our County. Though they have violated the law in one way or another, they are hungering and thirsting for love, care and compassion. They have a need to hear about the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus commanded us to visit those incarcerated.

Matthew 25:34-46; "... I was in prison and you came to Me.’ ... ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ ...sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ ... ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Jesus put Himself right in prison with the prisoner. This is one reason the inmate needs to hear the Good News. Our Lord doesn't look at what they have done. He looks at the heart. As an inmate, what good news there is in knowing, "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

The Jail Ministry exists at the pleasure of Sheriff Tony Wickersham, for the express purpose of providing spiritual care to the people incarcerated at the Macomb County Jail. Our hope is that they will become reconciled to God, be involved in a Bible believing local church when they are released, and rehabilitated as productive members of society.


The after care ministry operates transitional homes for men and women to live. Through the power of Christ, the rehabilitation process begins as men and women are transformed into successful members of society and are restored back to their families.

In addition to providing a safe haven for men and women to transition, they are also provided with mentors and a connection with a local church community. Mentors and a strong, loving church community are crucial in the restoration process as it gives them a deep support system to draw from. The men and women are also provided with transportation to and from the church and other meetings and they are provided a membership to the local YMCA.

Indonesia for Christ


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Indonesia for Christ stands steadfast on Matthew 9:31b "But they went out and spread the news about Him all over the region." With just over 85% of Indonesia's population (272.2 million) identifying as Muslim, the country has the largest muslim population (236 million) of any country in the world. IFC works using a three tiered concept; CREAT Christian context through television programs, PROVIDE tools, resources and materials to be able to hear the gospel through their content, BUILD by equipping local pastors and teacher through seminars and trainings to help them not only be a great leader, but also be the light of Jesus in their village and nation.

Life Challenge


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Life Challenge is a one-year residential program for men and women with drug, alcohol, and other life-controlling addictions. Affiliated with TeenChallenge USA & International, the goal of Life Challenge is more than rehabilitation - It is to help men and women become clean, sober and fully devoted to Jesus Christ. Consequently, Life Challenge emphasizes Bible study, counseling, and Christian community with campuses in both Detroit and Flint. A highly structured environment provides a unique opportunity for people to separate themselves temporarily from the normal distractions of life and to give needed attention to personal and spiritual growth. 

OSI - Operation Serve International


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Poverty in Egypt and Mexico is rampant in the major cities. Many adults and children reside, work, and eat in garbage dumps, and the absence of effective governmental programs makes it virtually impossible for citizens to find safe food, water, or even basic health services. It is in these impoverished and underserved areas that the efforts of Operation Serve International are making a difference. OSI's mission is to motivate and mobilize concerned Christians to perform the Lord's work. Through health care and counseling, sharing the Gospel, and hosting indigenous pastoral conferences, OSI is building a legacy of hope, encouragement, inspiration, and education, all in the name of Jesus!

Reconciliation Ministries


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Reconciliation Ministries helps bridge the gap between the church and those broken by sexual-abuse-related behaviors. Even as societal values change, it is nonetheless possible to help men and women overcome sexual sin through Bible-based understanding. To this end, Reconciliation Ministries points the way to spiritual healing through Bible study, private counseling, aftercare and family support groups.