Forgotten Harvest

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There is physical hunger, and there is spiritual hunger. Jesus is the bread of life that satisfies our soul. Are we content with keeping Him to ourselves? Are we content that so many have forgotten or do not know of the harvest that brings eternal life?
Jesus said, do this in remembrance of me. Don’t idolize the Earth that He created. He came to the earth he created for you. True unity and equality comes only by the one who fulfilled every harvest festival. Never let the sacrifice of Jesus Christ become a forgotten harvest.
God has called us to be holy as He is holy. That also applies to our finances. We tithe because it tells God, I trust you, and it allows us to be joyfully dependent on God. When you are obedient, thankful, joyful and generous, it does not go unnoticed by the Lord.
As you go through life, don’t focus on the harvest of material gain and forget the final harvest of life. What will your destination be? For those on the path to outer darkness, Jesus offers a new path that leads to the harvest of eternal life and eternal light.
There is a harvest of souls hungering and thirsting and ripe for eternal life. Will we heed the words of Jesus, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest!