Hard Things

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In this series, we will be going over topics that might be uncomfortable. In today's message, Pastor Pat address the topic of politics, and how we as Christians should interact. Use the Word of God to guide you when you cast your vote.
Overindulgence is a topic that is rarely covered in the church. The principle of balance and moderation extends far beyond food. When we think about balance, we must also think about our spiritual lives as well.
We all have opinions, but what does God's Word say about our opinions? Focusing on personal preferences is failing to focus on God's purposes. Opinions must submit to unity in the church.
We live in an age of convenience. In every corner of life, people gravitate towards things that are easy, quick, and immediately satisfying. The same can be said for our spiritual life. Be careful what you take in and listen to.
Jesus modeled what it looks like to give compassion and not condemnation. There is a balance of both grace and truth. Jesus offers a pathway to repentance and restoration. We as the church are called to follow Christ's example by offering love and mercy, and encouraging people to to turn from their sin to be transformed in Christ.
Paul tells the church that we are not to judge those who do not believe or follow the ways of Jesus. We are called to keep each other accountable who have professed that Jesus is Lord. Always make sure that you walk in humility, recognizing your own need for grace while also holding each other accountable.
Jesus calls us all to place Him above all else as seen in Matthew 19 including family. We must speak in truth and grace which is a balance. Jesus showed love through compassion, patience, and grace, even while holding people accountable to teaching God's truth, and we are to do the same. We must trust God can work through that love in ways we may not even see right now.