Jesus Asked

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As we start a new series, we will be going over some of the many questions Jesus asked. In this message, Pastor Pat talks about cynicism and how it can pop up in those around us and in our lives.
God is focused on your spirit and what is in your heart. His Word is true and life giving. Jesus is the bread of life and eternal life is found only through him.
Do you love me? That is a question that Jesus asked Peter three times, and it is a question that we should put before ourselves daily. The way that we can answer is through our priorities, our commitment, and our actions.
Jesus promised that he would not leave us alone, and that promise was fulfilled with the Holy Spirit. The promise wasn't to only have the Holy Spirit within us, but that we would be empowered by the Holy Spirit. The power is there, available. How available are you? How open are you to welcoming the connection? In times of trouble, when doubts rise in your mind, the power of the promised Holy Spirit in you can defeat and put down those doubts and fears.
Who do you say I am is a question that everyone will have to answer. Jesus is the Messiah, the son of the living God, and Jesus is our savior. God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to take our place. Who do you say He is?
Our pain and loss can sometimes prevent us from seeing God. We often will go to someone or something to give us relief. Jesus is standing there calling out to us. He is the resurrection and the life. Mary Magdalene heard him and responded. Will you?