One Life At A Time

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One big God makes one big difference one life at at time. At Bethesda, we support missions because we believe that everyone needs to hear the good news of Jesus. Ask God for a person and a particular way to bless them this week.
We have the gift of Jesus in us, but we keep it to ourselves much of the time. It’s hard in the world of many people who won’t acknowledge Jesus, to be one who stops and helps the beaten and broken, or those who mock or cast aspersions toward us who walk in faith. I am not ashamed of the gospel and that is where real life and change needs to come.
As we look at God's redemptive plan in the Scriptures, we see that the way God executes His mission is using His people. As believers, we all have a role to play in God's mission. He wants to use each and every one of us. Will you let God work redemption in and through your life?
As our missions series comes to a close, Pastor Pat talks about how we are called to make disciples and share the good news of Jesus. We don't all have to be missionaries around the globe, but we are called to share the good news wherever we go in our day to day lives. If we are unwilling to share our time with others, we miss out on the opportunity to invest in relationships and contribute to the building and strengthening of the Kingdom of God. Are you willing to give up your time to go and partner with Jesus?