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The Covid pandemic has affected lives since early 2020. Is God doing something? As we enter the Advent season, a time to reflect on God's timeless plan for Jesus and the salvation of the world, we wonder, is God doing something? God is indeed doing something. This morning an answer is given from the Word of God. God is working, He is doing something, and it will endure forever. Will it endure in you?
We are all living differently due to the restrictions imposed because of Covid-19. You might be enduring loss, loneliness, financial stress, children unable to attend school, separation from family or more. How can we endure? A good illustration comes from the last prophet of the Old Testament. He’s called Malachi, and after him God did not speak through a prophet for over four hundred years. The people had to endure God’s silence, but Malachi’s message was infused with hope. Listen in and be lifted by the same hope brought to people who had to endure.
How are you enduring? A nation was waiting four centuries for a word from God. A devout priest well along in years was praying, and when at last he heard from the Lord he did not believe it. He was made to suffer in silence for just a little longer, but his time in silence renewed him. The aged priest came out of his seclusion praising God. What might we learn from such an account of endurance from a devout old priest? Plenty that can be applied to our lives today.
Many have endured being away from church for months due to the pandemic. They long to join together with God’s people and worship Jesus. What would you endure to worship together with the people of God? Do you long to be in the house of the Lord praising God with others? Do you have an insatiable yearning to worship? Be inspired by the biblical account in this message of some who trekked hundreds of miles over unforgiving terrain for many weeks, arrived at the wrong destination and were confronted by a known murderous king, yet remained undaunted in their pursuit to worship Jesus. Let their persistence and faith encourage you to never take for granted the opportunity we have to assemble and worship our Lord. O come, let us adore Him!