I Am

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Some say Jesus was a foremost teacher, others the greatest philosopher, yet they do not acknowledge Jesus as God. Yet Jesus did. Although there many who contend Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus directly declared His divinity. About being God Jesus said, “I am.” Do you see Him as a God, or is he just a teacher? Listen in and discover why it is imperative to receive Jesus as God.
Jesus made the statement to his disciples in John 14:11 "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves." HIs disciples who had spent three and a half years with him were being told He was going away. What a change was going to be happening in their lives. They were so comfortable with having Him walk with them, eat with them, teach them daily. Why would he leave now? How could Jehovah God, the Father be as trustworthy as Jesus? Jesus was God incarnate and in his leaving, He was going to give them something even better than His physical presence.
Without Jesus, the world is hopelessly lost in darkness. Not literal darkness, but souls in the dark separated from God. Jesus claimed that He was not only sent from God, but that He is God. He is the light of life, eternal life. Jesus declared, “I am the light of the World.” Hear how the light of life is available to you, and all who would choose to follow the light.
Are you hungry? Jesus offers food that satisfies forever, you will never be hungry again. When Jesus made such a startling claim, those who first heard Him were incredulous and responded, “Give us this food!” Who wouldn’t want food that would satisfy forever? But Jesus was not speaking of earthly matters, He was talking about eternal life. Thus He declared, “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never be hungry.” Discover how you too can be filled with life forever.
“There is one mountain with many paths” is a common saying among a variety of faiths. It’s a way to express there is one God and many ways to God, but is that true? Jesus declared, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Was Jesus teaching that He is the only way to God, or one way among many paths? Though many have debated the answer, Jesus’ actions give definitive meaning to his declaration. Listen in and learn the depth of meaning in Jesus’ words: “I am the way.”
There is no “get rich quick" scheme when it comes to Christianity. There is no secret that just has yet to be unlocked. The secret to bearing fruit is to remain in Christ’s love, day after day, week after week, year after year. There is no shortcut. Jesus says to remain in him and he will remain in us. We all wish it could be a quick process, but just like a great marriage, it takes much time and much striving to grow with our Lord. But, oh, when we do, the results are a fruitful life that will be filled with complete joy and security of our salvation.
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” The only way to eternal life is by Jesus who holds the power over death. He proved it by raising from the dead his friend Lazarus, and then He too rose from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus is a fact, and He promised the same resurrection for those who believe in Him. Yet there is more to the resurrection than just a promise for the future, it holds practical application in the present. Listen in to learn how the resurrection applies to your life today, and every day.
Have you ever felt lost, all alone and abandoned? There is one who knows your name who is seeking after you and calling your name. He is the Good Shepherd. He doesn’t want you to remain lost and wandering, He desires to refresh and protect you. Listen now and discover how you can be part of the flock of the Good Shepherd. He will never abandon you in this life and has an eternal pasture prepared for those who are His.