Fall Series 2021

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Do you have a cause? Are you one a mission? Many are passionate about their cause. You might be one of them. It’s great to zealous for a cause, but what if the mission does not align with the cause of God? Be challenged today about the cause you take up and see that when it is in harmony with God’s cause, you will prosper!
Have you ever wanted to just curl up in a ball and make everything go away? It can happen to the best of us. What do we do when we are so alone and it feels like everything is closing in? The Word of God has answers. If you’ve ever felt this way, this message is for you.
Sometimes life seems like it’s one thing after another. The world has added to our stress because of the pandemic, social issues, politics and more. All these issues have affected many on a personal level leaving them wondering, “What’s next?” What do you do when you don’t know what’s next? The Word of God gives answers, listen in to today’s message and hear the answers from Jesus.
Paul warned the church in Ephesus that attacks were coming from the outside, and from the inside. He likened the outsiders to savage wolves who would not spare the flock. From the inside, those who would pervert the truth would rise up. This continues to happen to the church, and it also happens to individuals and families. Paul offered advice that is applicable today as it was to the early church. The church can use it, and you can too! Listen in and be encouraged, even savage wolves cannot outwit or overpower the security we have in Jesus Christ.
Are you crazy? Have you ever been accused of being crazy because you believe in Jesus? If your mental faculties have ever been questioned because of your faith, you are not alone. It has been happening in every generation since Jesus rose from the dead. In has occurred in every era and it occurs today, the culture insists that your faith is foolish, unfounded and might even be unhinged. How can a believer respond to such an indictment? An example from the New Testament expounded on in this message gives a true and reasonable answer.
Untold numbers of broken and hurting people are near you. Many have no help and have resigned themselves to living in pain. You can be their help. Yet, you will be a struggle if you too are wounded and bearing a burden of your own. Jesus stands at the pool of Bethesda, the house of mercy, asking you a question. When you hear Him and answer affirmatively, you can rise to walk with your burden relieved, enabled to assist others to His house of mercy. Don’t miss what He is asking you today.
Today is the International Day of Prayer for persecuted Christians. 1 in 8 Christians, over 340,000,000 worldwide, suffer because of their faith in Jesus. Listen to this message and be encouraged to pray for these persecuted brothers and sisters across the globe.