Fall Series 2022

Tell Someone about this:
Often times, we get stuck because of a bad decision or a series of bad decisions. There is hope to get unstuck. He paid for sin, and He knew the human condition.
We continue the theme of being stuck and getting unstuck. But what if you're stuck because you have made good decisions, and you've been obedient to the word of God?
On your best day you're a child of God, and on your worst day you're a child of God. From the rising of the sun until the setting of the same - the name of the Lord is to be praised.
Remember we were slaves to sin, but in Jesus, we have been redeemed. When the pull to go back comes, turn to Jesus.
Believers in Jesus are persecuted around the entire world: burned buildings, kidnappings, imprisonments, and even death. It’s one thing to be aware of the believers who are persecuted around the world. It’s entirely different to pray for those suffering believers. Today we remember those who are persecuted and pray that God would be glorified even in their suffering.
See Jesus. In all creation, when you wonder, see Jesus. He is mindful and cares for you.
The Lord is the author of everything, all that we have comes from his hand. Giving back to his work with tithes and offerings, that is thanks in action.