Spring Series

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Confirmation Day! Today we confirmed our Rooted 1 & 2 classes along with Rooted Youth.
Before your mother knew you had been conceived, God was involved with you, he was molding and forming you. Before you entered this world and drew your first breath, God saw you as you were, and He saw what you would become, like an artist with a bare canvas can already see the painted image. Be reminded on this Mother’s Day that God gave you life, and he has promised you eternal life. Have you received life, true life, eternal life?
Life Challenge and Gateway To Glory stop by for an update.
No plea of our own justification will ever restore us to life. Only by faith in the salvation of our souls offered by the sufferings of Jesus on our behalf.
What are you hungry for? Just as the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt, we’ve been delivered from the slavery of sin through Christ. However, just as the Israelites longed to go back to Egypt to taste the cucumbers and melons, we also have an appetite for Egypt we deal with. A taste for sin is sweet, yet leaves us bound again as slaves. Only a Savior can change our appetites.
We are the kingdom of God on earth. Will you commit to compelling others who are in need of redemption, the salvation of Jesus?
When things get difficult and you're tired, call on the Lord. Ezekiel faced a similar circumstance, and the dry bones came back to life.
Jesus said that if fathers in the natural know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more is God willing to do for His children? Imagine the joy He has in anticipation of you receiving what He has prepared for you out of the love that He has for you.
The worst father ever (Satan) only takes, but our Good Father always gives.