The Same Spirit

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Jesus is our perfect example for all of life, and we are called to model Him in all we do. Yet we know, attaining His standard of perfection is impossible. If it could be accomplished at all, we would need a miracle. Fortunately for all of mankind, Jesus has made the impossible possible, He offers a miracle to all. Have you received His miracle? Take in this message and receive His offer.
Often we go about our day without giving a thought to the enabling power afforded to Christians through the Holy Spirit. Yet, when we have a need, when we desire a miracle, it's then that we seek the power of God to meet the need. Jesus modeled an altogether different approach to daily life that began when the Spirit descended on Him. He promised the same enabling for His followers. A situation is coming, a day is approaching where you will desire the power of God meet an unexpected need. Listen in and be inspired to be ready every day by following the example of Jesus.
We are informed in the gospels that immediately after Jesus was baptized, He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted. That the Holy Spirit leads into temptation seems a conundrum, yet Jesus is our example, the Spirit is with us even in times of temptation. He relied on the Holy Spirit to be delivered from temptation, and we can too. Be encouraged through this message to rely on the Holy Spirit and conquer every temptation you confront.
Are we people following in the footsteps of our Savior? From the time He began His ministry, Jesus was led by and filled with the Holy Spirit. A visit to His hometown synagogue provides a powerful and practical pattern for our lives. Jesus entered in the power of the Spirit, and he left anointed and sent. We are partners in His mission and sent for a purpose. Are we moving in power of the Spirit and anointed for His mission? Be inspired to today!
We all have cravings, longings that draw and pull us. We might thirst for money, power, popularity, people, and things and life can become a quest to quench that thirst. When those cravings come, and they will, how do will you satisfy them? Jesus has a way to satisfy your every thirst. Listen in and discover what he has to offer.
Palm Sunday
When Jesus was entered Jerusalem to celebrate His last Passover, He was welcomed as a king by an exuberant crowd. Yet, in a few days crowds were demanding Jesus be executed. People turned on Jesus, their hearts were not with Him. We often resist those who seek to touch our heart, even resisting God. Take in this Palm Sunday message and see that you need not fear Jesus touching your heart.
Easter Sunday
Resurrection Sunday, the day Jesus beat spiritual and physical death, all by the power of the Spirit. Jesus promised the same Spirit to all who believe in him, a beautiful, wonderful promise. The same Spirit that filled Jesus as he walked the earth, the same Spirit that energized and enlivened His body in a cold tomb was promised to us. The same Spirit to fill us and guide us as we trod this earth, and to resurrect us after our bodies expire to be glorified as Jesus himself!
Jesus gives His true followers favor for understanding His teaching.