

Join us Wednesday, July 19 in the Auditorium




Sunday Service

Sundays @10am

Join us In-Person every week at 10am for our Sunday worship experience. We will have live worship, and one of our pastors will bring the word.


Sundays @ 9am

Our classes meet every Sunday at 9am. We have something for everyone! Click the link to find out more about what we have to offer.

Class Descriptions


Kids' Church

Sundays @10am

Kids’ Church brings our kids together in a large group setting for a time of interactive Bible teaching, crafts and fun activities that are sure to make Sunday a highlight of your child’s week. Meets August through June.

Excursion Hour

Sundays @ 9am-9:45am

Kids spend time together playing games, learning scripture, and enjoying a Bible lesson presented in a variety of ways, all while making friends and having fun with one another. Meets August through June.

Rooted Class

Focuses on questions and answers that are foundational to Christianity. Where did the Bible come from? Who is Jesus? What is the purpose of my life? Can I be assured of life after death? What does living out the faith look like in everyday life? The Rooted journey explores the answers to these questions and many more. As each question is posed, clear concise answers give a ​revelation of God’s plan and purpose for life. 

Sign Up



Together Through the Bible

Tuesdays @ 9am | Dining Room A

Together Through the Bible will focus on studying, discussing and considering questions about the weekly Bible reading from the two year bible reading plan. Enthusiastically led by Linda Cadariu and Bill Boyer, this offers a great opportunity to traverse the pages of scripture with others and learn together as you go. On the left is an image to show the schedule so that you can follow along.

Tuesday Prayer

Tuesdays @10:30am

At 10:30am, we meet in the Chapel to pray for
our church, Pastors, and our community.



Tuesdays @ 7pm

  • For those who need hope and healing  - who may be moving toward Divorce or have gone through a divorce. 
  • Sign up at DivorceCare.org and then go to find a group.
  • Put in postal code (48312) then select Bethesda to register online. 
  • This 13 week in-person class uses a three component design - video, small group, and workbook components.



Summer Splash

Wednesdays @7pm

for Kids who completed Pre-K through 5th grade.

We meet on the second floor in Room 201 with a bible lesson and then a variety of fun activities... something different each week! 


The Book of Acts

Dining Room A | @7pm

We will be hosting a Bible study on the book of Acts. During the night, we will have worship, a teaching, and small group discussion. 


Student Ministry

Wednesdays & Sundays

Students 6th-12th grade (middle school and high school)

We exist to empower students to live a life fully devoted to Christ. We believe this is possible only when students are taught the Word of God, develop good friendships within the church, and families are alongside them, encouraging their growth. 

Sundays 9:00am (Room 215): 
Grades 6th-12th (if not attending rooted youth) 
During this hour, teachers bring biblical truths to life and guide small-group discussions.

Wednesdays 7:00pm (mezzanine):
Grades 6th-12th
Wednesday nights are when we can dig in the deepest. There is a time of musical worship, a brief message, small groups, and games. These messages are directed towards middle and high schoolers, but we break off into small groups where students can dig deeper according to their age group. 

Rooted Youth:
Rooted Youth is a course teaching biblical foundations to ensure strong faith and good biblical knowledge. Anyone is welcome from 7th-9th grade.

Learn More


Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

  • For those who are grieving the loss of someone they loved and move from mourning to joy.
  • Sign up at GriefShare.org and then go to find a group. Put in postal code (48312) then select Bethesda to register online.
  • This 14 week in-person class uses a three component design - video, small group, and workbook components.
More Info



Thursday Service

Thursdays @10am

Every Thursday at 10am, we gather together in the Chapel for a traditional service. We have worship and a word from one of our ministers.

Our Thursday services are now available to watch online if you can't make it in-person.

Watch Online

Men's Group

3rd Thursdays @ 6:30pm | Dining Room A

Men! We gather on the third Thursday of each month to strengthen each other. Meet us in Dining Room A at 6:30pm for light refreshments and then at 7:00pm for the Word.


Overcomers Outreach

Thursdays @ 7pm | Dining Room A

Overcomers is an international network of Christ-centered 12-step support groups that serves as a bridge between traditional 12-step recovery groups and the Church. This ministry supports individuals and their loved ones who are suffering from the consequences of any addictive behavior. 
