Summer 2019

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Pastor Pat opens the month of July with a new series focusing on Jonah, and the message his story conveys - that we all have moments like Jonah, where we want to run and hide from God … but God is a God of compassion, love, and forgiveness, and through Jesus we are provided grace when we run from responsibility.
Rev. Rob Susan provides a great message about being the light in a world full of darkness - reminding us that the remedy for darkness is light, and our light comes from God - our creator - and through the grace that Jesus provides.
Rev. Barry Allen provides an important message, demonstrating through scripture (2 Kings 17:29, 32-35) how easy it is for nations and people to adopt the ways of the world, forgetting about God and his commandments. We are reminded that our minds should not be renewed through our own busyness, money, or work, but by His word alone, resting in our Savior to renew and purify our hearts and lives.
Pastor Pat closes the month of July with a message about hope, and how in the midst of our angst - our complaints and grumbles - there is light and renewed strength found in the hope that Jesus provides, and with this hope we are able to change our attitudes, our perspectives, and our lives.
In his message, “My Way or the High Way,” Pastor Pat reminds us that God’s Way is not only better but higher than we could ever imagine. And that through salvation - because of the blood of Jesus - we have everlasting love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy
Pastor Pat’s message, “Fearless,” reminds us that before we were even born, God knew us, loved us, and had a plan for us - that anything we fear or worry about can be overcome with Him.
Pastor Pat reminds us through Jeremiah that God’s plan is not always as we had hoped, but that keeping faith, seeking Jesus, and obeying God’s word of seeking peace and prosperity, regardless of circumstance, we will receive God’s blessings and promise of eternal life.
In his message, “Hey God,” Pastor Pat reminds us, through Habakkuk, the importance of surrendering ourselves to God, keeping our faith in Him and His timing, and keeping Jesus Christ in front of us, finding strength in Him.